Connected TV

Chris Pfaff moderates Streaming Media Connect panel – ‘Targeting, Measuring, and Scaling Connected TV Advertising’

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Chris Pfaff moderated the virtual panel ‘Targeting, Measuring, and Scaling Connected TV Advertising’ on February 20, 2024 for Streaming Media Connect, the virtual conference series produced by Streaming Media Magazine.

Discussion of CTV’s rapid growth centered around the recent Walmart acquisition of Vizio. Joining Chris were panelists Aneessa Steilen, VP, Media & Distribution Marketing, Vevo; Jack Mollins, SVP, Advertising Sales, Atmosphere.TV; Jennifer Monson, VP, Ad Sales, Fubo; Tim Ware, Senior Vice President of Programmatic Sales and Revenue, Sales, Crackle Connex, and Mark Loughney, Senior Consultant, Hub Entertainment Research.

The full panel can be viewed at:

Chris Pfaff moderates Streaming Media Connect Virtual Panel: ‘Connected TV Advertising: The Holy Grail?’ 

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Chris Pfaff moderated the Streaming Media Connect virtual panel – Connected TV Advertising: The Holy Grail?’ – produced by Streaming Media Magazine, on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, featuring the following speakers:

  • Kumar Subramanian, CEO,MediaMelon
  • Jessica Masters, director of East Coast sales,Roku
  • Aulden Kaye, director of advertising partnerships,Philo
  • Tal Chalozin, CTO/co-founder, Innovid

You can watch the full panel at:


OTT’s hottest new monetization strategy is CTV. It’s got everything: better reach, increased engagement, improved attribution, and unparalleled targeting. We examine how brands and OTT services can work hand-in-hand to provide the best viewing experience for consumers while delivering the most bang for the buck for advertisers.


Jessica Masters, Roku

Tal Chalozin, Innovier

Alden Kaye, Philo

Kumar Subramanian, MediaMelon