
VR AR Association Storytelling Committee Call – Justin Melillo, CEO of MoNa Gallery

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Justin Melillo, co-founder/CEO of Miami-based MoNa Gallery, was the guest in a VR AR Association Storytelling Committee call hosted by Chris Pfaff on Thursday, January 13, 2022. The discussion, ‘Creating Unique 3D Environments on the Blockchain: MoNa Gallery Demonstrates Portable Spaces for the Multi-User Metaverse,’ featured Justin demonstrating the MoNa Spaces, which can be built and minted on Ethereum or Polygon blockchain. Designed to be compostable, social, and interactive, the MoNa Spaces can hold and display other collectibles. Durably designed, with portability in mind, the MoNa Spaces enable basic adjustable artist royalties to be sold. The system will be expanded to provide additional tools for artists across Web3 metaverses. MoNa Gallery, comprised of a team of ex-Magic Leap and Snapchat builders who have worked with the likes of Drake, CharliXCX, and NASA, was a big winner in the Web3 art space in 2022.